Monday, July 7, 2008

Just Living Program

Are you looking for an opportunity to explore issues of poverty, discrimination, violence, and environmental justice more deeply - not only to gain more understanding, but to find practical ways of acting? Would you enjoy the chance to engage in that exploration with others in our community who share such concerns and the desire to impact them?

JustLiving is a program that provides such an opportunity. Meeting weekly, the process utilizes books, videos, conversations with local resource people, and hands-on experiences. It is a process filled with dialogue (not lecture), and shaped by participants' interests and questions (not dictated by the facilitator). Many past participants have expressed appreciation for this chance to share with others in a journey of compassion that is both life-giving and challenging.

JustLiving is funded by the Antioch Companies' Charitable Foundation, so there is no financial cost to the participants. (Antioch Companies is the parent company of Creative Memories.) This year's process will begin in late September, and run until April (with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas).

Interested, or just wanting more information? Contact Kevin LaNave (e-mail, or call [320] 259-5480.)
Submitted by Kevin LaNava, Just Living Administor

Kathy Grochow, NRS, St. Cloud

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