Monday, December 28, 2009

For your nonprofit library

Released in June, and according to Independent Sector (IS), downloaded more than 8,000 times since, the Principles Workbook: Steering your Board Toward Good Governance and Ethical Practice, is a helpful resource for charitable organizations, foundations and their boards of directors.

From the publication's preamble: "....nonprofit organizations have long embraced the need for standards of ethical practice that preserve and strengthen the public’s confidence. Many such systems in fact already exist, though none have applied to the entire range of American charitable organizations. (This publication sets) forth a comprehensive set of principles to inform the field. Their purpose is to reinforce a common understanding of transparency, accountability, and good governance for the sector as a whole—not only to ensure ethical and trustworthy behavior, but equally important, to spotlight strong practices that contribute to the effectiveness, durability, and broad popular support for charitable organizations of all kinds."

The guide is the work product of The Panel on the Nonprofit Sector, convened and supported by Independent Sector. IS will continue to offer resources through its programs and website to facilitate putting these principles into practice.

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