Thursday, February 25, 2010

Management in Nonprofits

Peter Drucker was a management guru. In 2009, his thinking was applied to the nonprofit world by Bruce Rosenstein, author of Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life.

Drucker called himself a social ecologist, exploring how humans organize themselves in business, government and other sectors of work. He coined the term "knowledge worker" in 1959 and predicted developments such as the growing importance of the information society and lifelong learning. Visit Wikipedia for a review of the principals propounded in his 39 books.

Rosenstein emphasized Drucker’s wisdom that can be applied to involvement with nonprofits. I used these points in a recent meeting to show the benefit of involvement to an individual and the benefit of involvement to the agency and community:

+Working with people you would not ordinarily meet broadens your perspective.
+Differences challenge assumptions when your beliefs are different from others’.
+You are creating your future through what you do today.
+You are able to exercise your generosity through such work.

"Toward a more meaningful and purposeful life," in summary.

Posted by Myrna Meadows, NRS, International Falls

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