Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thank You Notes

Just this week I’ve read two articles about the importance of acknowledging donors by sending thank you notes. Funny, just this morning a thank you note I had received fell out of a book I was reading. The note meant a lot to me, so I saved it! Proof that people like to be appreciated, and recognized for a gift, a thoughtful deed or action. Makes me want to give again!

In an article I read from the Grassroots Fundraising Journal it recommended that organizations have systems in place to send out thank you notes within three days of receiving a gift. The article went on to say that hand written notes leave a longer lasting impression, and are more personal. It also said that if an organization has a large number of donors, they may want to write personal notes to their largest donors and send form letters to the rest (possibly with a short personal note on the bottom). Just remember that the recognition and the thank yous you bestow on your donors may affect how they give in the future.

Maybe this is one thing we can learn to do better in these tough economic times! The truth is, we truly appreciate every gift and every donor that comes our way - especially now. Tell your donors how thankful you are for them and their gifts!

Holly Witt, NRS, Alexandria

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