Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bylaws and Policies

Bylaws and policies are two of the core documents that are the structure of your nonprofit. Think of bylaws as the bones and policies as flesh. To amend bylaws often requires approval of the majority of the membership so keep them general and use policies to be specific.

I recently purchased The Nonprofit Policy Sampler from BoardSource and can recommend it for clarity and content. The book includes key elements and practical tips on policy areas (boards, personnel, financial, etc.) and the CD offers many samples derived from a range of sources.

Refreshing existing policies is probably not on the top of a busy board’s list. However, proceeding methodically through them, via approporiate committees, can give you the satisfaction that they are in-line with your mission and ready to help you through challenging times.

Posted by Myrna Meadows, NRS, International Falls

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