Wednesday, July 15, 2009

10 Strategies for a Struggling Nonprofit

The many challenges that nonprofits were already facing have intensified in the last year owing to the severe economic downturn nationally and globally. And if we need to be reminded about how bad things have gotten, even the likes of General Motors has filed for bankruptcy.

What's a struggling nonprofit to do? I think there are at least 10 strategies that need to be considered. These strategies will have greatest impact if they are implemented in a coordinated fashion over time -- and they need to be incorporated into your strategic planning now!

Here they are:
1. Embed capacity building into the fabric of your nonprofit
2. Build an exceptional board
3. Engage in accelerated strategic thinking and planning
4. Forge partnerships, alliances and mergers to increase mission impact and sustainability
5. Develop board and staff succession plans
6. Build capacity for effective public policy and advocacy
7. Master use of social media
8. Deploy targeted volunteer engagement strategies
9. Review and revise your theory of change
10. Adopt regional thinking and problem solving approaches

I presented a briefing on these 10 strategies at the recent Wisconsin Nonprofit Association Summit 2009 Conference. The session was well received. Obtain a copy of the PowerPoint presentation and session handouts.

Posted by Maltee McMahon, NRS, Wisconsin

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