Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Day of Growth and Team Building

Last month, all staff members of our Willmar Charter Bremer (banks in Willmar, Marshall and Redwood Falls) met together for a workday session on building our collegial and customer relationships for 2010. An experiment we embarked on last year – closing the banks on the Martin Luther King Holiday and using it as a rare opportunity to bring 100 employees together in an off-site location -- turned out to be very successful; so we were at it again on MLK Day 2010.

To describe the day as a "personal growth opportunity" might have you rolling your eyes, as you might also do if I characterize it as a "team building opportunity." But the fact is it was both of those, and refreshingly so. The speakers we met, as well as the ideas we were exposed to gave us fantastic inspiration for making this year the best it can be, and very appropriate in honor of MLK ideals.

Here are links to a couple of the resources we heard and enjoyed. Perhaps you know about them and appreciate my enthusiasm in sharing them here. Or if this is new to you, you might consider how these tools & messages might influence your people and organization.

An introduction to the short book:
212 the extra degree; by Sam L. Parker & Mac Anderson

Our speaker and guest:
V.J. Smith, author of The Richest Man in Town

Lois Schmidt, NRS, Willmar Charter

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