Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live United……through United Way

The other day I was at a meeting and someone at the table had their “Live United” t-shirt on……I see people wearing the shirt when I work at a local food drop….I have one myself! The shirt catches your eye….it’s carries a simple message but what does it mean?

It’s a brand the United Way is using to promote their vision of a world where all people and families can achieve their potential through education, income stability and healthy lives. To me – it symbolizes our dependance on one another – our humanity and the importance of working together and helping one another. The United Way is a community based organization where people can get involved and really make a difference.

I have had the opportunity to see United Way’s in West Central MN in action. They not only help fund nonprofits in our communities, but they are getting involved in the issues that affect people’s lives. Go to to learn more about the work of United Way and links to your local chapter.

Holly Witt
NRS, Alexandria Charter

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