Monday, May 14, 2012

Do You Tweet?

This week, the Bremer Nonprofit Resource Specialists met in St. Paul for two days of meetings. As NRS’s, we work closely with Susan Beatty, Public Relations and Social Media Manager at Bremer Bank. She is our technology/social media expert, mentor and encourager. She is the one who set up the NRS blog, the Bremer Facebook page and one of the people who “tweets” for Bremer.

She shared with us that Bremer Bank currently has 1,350 Bremer Bank followers on Twitter and has held two tweet chats during the past six months. Some of the ways Bremer uses Twitter is to:

• Engage with clients/communities
• Customer service/responsiveness
• Employee recruitment
• Bremer promotion – publicize Bremer events and activities/news

I have a personal Twitter account so I can follow others such as Bremer Bank, the MN Council of Nonprofits, West Central Initiative, media outlets, the Food Network and much more. BUT, I have never tweeted a thing.

I am hearing and seeing Twitter used more and more in business, politics, and in the media, but not as much with nonprofits. So, I am interested in hearing if your organization uses Twitter and how that is working for you. Please share your thoughts with us.

Holly Witt, NRS, Alexandria Charter


West Central Blogger said...

Thanks for your blog post, Holly, and for mentioning West Central Initiative! I look at WCI's tweets as a way for us to inform people about what is happening in the region, and to learn about issues that impact our region, like economic development, community development and promoting philanthropy. However, there isn't much interaction with our followers. And most of our followers aren't even from the region. We need to FIND local tweeters and start meaningful conversations with them. Any thoughts?

Jason said...

Great topic. We at the Sustainable Farming Association just started tweeting a few weeks ago @sfamn and it's been fun so far.
One of the issues I've had as communications coordinator is that I want to have a stream of tweets, at least two a day, to remain relevant, yet it's tough to find really good things to say. My thinking is that I don't want people to forget SFA, but I don't want to inundate their feeds so much they start to ignore us.
I only have a few hours a week to dedicate to social media, so I can't work it as well as I'd like. Any tips you can give on getting bang for our buck would be helpful. Thanks.
Jason Walker

Lois said...

In my learning curve with Twitter, I Retweet more than I Tweet. That's a way to get conversations going too. Mine is a personal account, but the organizations I tend to follow are related to my professional work with nonprofits. Maybe I'm a "local tweeter" as mentioned by West Central Blogger. I look to Twitter as a channel to get a quick read on what articles, conferences, speeches or topics groups I care about are tweeting up.

Nonprofit Resource Specialists said...

Thanks for all your comments. We have embraced Twitter at Bremer Bank to connect with our communities, clients and employees. We enjoy retweeting your great news and sharing information about our employees' volunteer efforts. We also will throw in some financial information! We encourage you to seek out those individuals, community partners and others in your area of service on Twitter. Follow them, retweet them and ultimately engage them with your content, photos and videos. Best of luck!

Don't forget to follow us! @BremerBank