Thursday, April 9, 2009

Distributed Fundraising

When organizations employ their supporters, staff, volunteers and program participants to fundraise on their behalf, it is called distributed fundraising. Traditionally, it has taken the form of “a-thons” where participants seek sponsors from their network of friends, family and colleagues.

In our e-world, it has evolved to include use of online tools that let supporters establish donation pages that can speak about their personal interest in a specific cause or charity. Donation buttons (and other widgets or badges) make it easy to respond. Much of the software is free or low-cost. The more advanced tools come with a per-donation charge. More ideas at: and Facebook where users also have an opportunity to fund raise via their page.

Regarding software in general, the website at Idealware provides candid reviews and articles about software of interest to nonprofits.

Posted by Myrna Meadows, NRS, International Falls

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